วันเสาร์ที่ 19 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2555

5 Questions to Ask Before Having a Breast Augmentation

Scar Revision Surgery:

So you've decided to seriously reconsider breast augmentation. Now what? You just know that you want great finding breasts, but you might be confused about what else to ask. Start with these 5 questions, and you'll be well on your way to a flourishing surgery.

1. Are the doctor and the installation properly certified for breast augmentation surgery?

You hear a lot about board certification, but what does it mean exactly? Doctors who are board certified by the American Board of Plastic surgical operation are also generally members of the American society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. This is the only group that is a member of the American Board of medical Specialties, the nation's most prestigious group of medical specialties. It takes a minimum of 10 years after college to come to be one of these elite surgeons!

Scar Revision Surgery:5 Questions to Ask Before Having a Breast Augmentation

Equally important is having your breast augmentation performed at a certified facility. Every state has distinct regulations, but generally all hospitals are certified by the Federal and State government. There are some independent agencies that warrant and ensure installation security as well. I only control in beloved facilities. As a member of Asaps, I must control in a surgical installation that is beloved by the State of California. If your doctor is gift an out-patient surgical operation at his office, buyer beware.

2. What are the differences in the middle of saline and silicone implants?

First, I want to assure you that silicone implants are safe. The Fda put a moratorium on silicone implants in 1992 after the media had a publishing frenzy telling stories of women who claimed that their silicone implants ruptured and made them ill. The Fda conducted unabridged clinical trials, which found no increased risk of breast cancer, connective tissue diseases, neurological diseases or other illnesses in women with silicone breast implants. As a result, the 14-year moratorium on silicone implants ended in November 2006. Now that we've cleared that up, let's look at a few differences in the middle of saline and silicone implants.

Saline implants offer the benefit of a smaller incision because they are inserted into the breast empty and filled with saline straight through a small tube. Silicone implants come pre-filled, and therefore need an incision that is about one inch longer than a saline implant incision. However, saline implants are more firm in texture and don't not feel as real as silicone implants. For this reason, saline implants may also be at higher risk for creating a rippling effect. Silicone implants originate a more natural feel but are slightly more expensive.

3. What kind of incision is used for breast implants?

There are three incision techniques for breast augmentation, and in my opinion, they are viable options for virtually all patients. By design, they all leave scars that should end up thin, white and nearly invisible. The three incision types are:

  • Imf/Inframammory/Breast Fold incision - This is the most favorite incision technique. It is placed under the breast where it meets the flat skin, and the volume of the implant hides the scar. Imf incisions are only 1.5-2 inches long.
  • Areolar Incision - This is also very coarse because the incision is curved inside the darker skin of the areola so it is difficult to see. But because the milk ducts are just behind the areola, there is an increased risk of bacterial interaction during the surgery, which in rare cases can lead to immoderate scar formation.
  • Axillary/Underarm Incision - This incision is placed in the underarm skin folds but is slightly longer because a tunnel must be made under the muscle from the underarm to the breast. This involves more surgery, more swelling and more salvage time. But is it the most incommunicable incision.

4. What size breast implant should I choose?

For most women, this is the fun part! While women think in terms of cup sizes, those are often subjective and inconsistent. Plastic surgeons think in terms of cc measurements and profiles.

Breast implant volume is measured in cubic centimeters, or cc, which is equal to one milliliter. 30cc = 1 ounce, so a 300cc implant = 10 ounces. Implants range from 120cc to 850cc. I show my patients plenty of samples in the office based on their body type and aesthetic desires. Now that you know how cc measurements collate to ounces, you can also go home and fill a bag with rice in the equivalent estimate of ounces for a sizing experiment. Put the bags in an unpadded bra, and take any days to settle what works best for you. You might even try going up one size (only 2 ounces more) because the most coarse calculate for breast implant improvement surgical operation is that the patient feels they did not go big enough.

Profile sizes refer to the width of the implant. This is just as indispensable as volume selection because the size of your frame should be measured to ensure that your implants are not too close together or too far apart.

5. How can I sell out my pain after breast augmentation?

The simple rejoinder is to find a plastic surgeon who specializes in pain reduction and follow that doctor's instructions. For example, I furnish my patients with an awesome device called a "pain pump" that utilizes two small tubes to deliver numbing medication directly to the implant pocket for 3-5 days after surgery. You should also walk nearby and move your arms as much as possible. Drinking plenty of water and holding your upper body elevated will help sell out swelling and pain. Finally, using a sustain bra and consistently icing your breasts for the first 72 hours will do wonders to sell out pain and swelling.

Scar Revision Surgery:5 Questions to Ask Before Having a Breast Augmentation

